Duopody is a relaxing reflexology therapy which can pick up physical and emotional imbalances in your body. Each part of our feet reflect each organ and system within our body and both feet will be treated simultaneously and methodically. Through consultation and initial assessment, an individualised treatment plan will be made for you and I will discuss findings with you at each treatment. If this is your first treatment, you will need to have a consultation with me so please book initial consultation and treatment. Please only proceed to book if you do not have any of the contraindications listed on the booking page. If you are unsure, please do not hesitate to contact me. The booking will only be confirmed once full payment has been made.
Reflexology can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve circulation, boost the immune system, relieve pain, and promote relaxation. It can also help to improve sleep quality and alleviate symptoms of certain conditions, such as migraines, digestive issues, and hormonal imbalances. As part of your initial consultation, aims of your treatment will be discussed with you and an individualised treatment plan will be made for you.
Yes, reflexology is considered to be safe when practised by a qualified reflexologist. I am a level 5 qualified clinical reflexologist with integrated medicine, which is the highest standard of training in the UK. I am bound by the code of practice and ethics from the Association of Reflexologists (AoR). As I am a registered Nurse, I am also bound by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code as a regulated professional.
Reflexology may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with certain medical conditions which will be discussed with you prior to any treatments being given. Further detail is explained in the booking process.
This is something we will discuss when you have your initial consultation as everyone is different. You may see immediate improvements but regular treatments are usually required. Frequency may range from 1-2x weekly to monthly maintenance. My aim is to support you to see sustainable health and well being improvements.
I will encourage you to relax during the treatment so please come to the treatment alone. If you are a child (under 18 years old), or are a vulnerable adult and require a companion/chaperone you will need to be accompanied by your parent/carer/responsible adult who will be present with you throughout the consultation and treatment. There is not a waiting area available so please arrive a few minutes before your appointment time. Any other accompanying person will be asked to wait outside.
At the first (initial) appointment, I will take a full history of your health, wellbeing and lifestyle. You will have your treatment on an electric therapy couch so you can be sitting up or laying down, so long as you are comfortable. I will only need access to your feet and lower legs so if you are wearing trousers, please make sure you can roll/lift them up. The treatment is not painful but there maybe some sensitive areas on your feet which I will adapt my depth of touch to. Please let me know during the treatment if any areas are sensitive. After the treatment I will discuss with you the findings which will inform the planning for the next treatment.
There will be an expiry date on your gift voucher. The voucher will expire 6 months after purchase.
Ear Microsuction is a procedure to remove excessive ear wax, debris or foreign bodies from your ears, using a small suction machine. Excessive ear wax can sometimes cause pain, vertigo (loss of balance) or hearing loss.
Ear Microsuction is a simple and safe procedure when carried out by a trained and qualified professional. As part of the ear health consultation that is completed before the procedure, I will discuss risks and benefits with you and will ensure you are happy to proceed. As a registered Nurse I am bound by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC The 'Code') and the Care Quality Commission who ensures that TLCHealth Ltd has systems and processes in place to maintain high standards of practice.
At your appointment I will carry out an ear health and relevant medical history consultation. I will fully explain the procedure to you and you will have time to ask questions to alleviate any fears, concerns or questions you may have. I will ask for you to sign to consent to the treatment and the treatment will be carried out with you sitting in a chair/couch. It is important that you keep as still as possible throughout the procedure to minimise complications. The actual procedure takes approximately 15-20 minutes and I will assess and treat both ears as required. Following the treatment I will give you an advice leaflet to take home and will discuss after care and follow up with you
Ear Microsuction can feel like someone is 'poking about' in your ear and sometimes it maybe sensitive but it should not be painful. If you experience any pain during the procedure you should let me know. The suction machine is noisy. If you are not able to tolerate the procedure for any reason or you require a short break please let me know.
I only provide ear Microsuction to adults over the age of 18 years. If you have a concern regarding your child's ear, please consult your GP
I will send you home with an advice leaflet explaining what to do if you experience any complications after the procedure. Complications are rare (we will discuss these before the procedure starts) but you can contact TLCHealth Ltd directly for advice.
Please book via the online booking system link on the website. Please read the FAQ's for reflexology/ear microsuction above depending on your treatment choice which will provide further information about booking
Yes, free parking is available
The treatment room is accessible on the first floor, via a flight of stairs. If you are unable to climb stairs, please discuss your needs with me, as I may be able to provide a mobile/home visit.
Providing safe and effective care and treatment is important to TLCHealth Ltd. TLCHealth Ltd will carry out surveys and ask for your feedback on services to learn and improve where necessary. If you have any concerns on the service that has been provided please reach out directly to TLCHealth Ltd for early resolution.